session speaker Friday am SPLIT SESSIon for divorced women
"Rest. The Beginning of RESToration"
JoLynn Albritton - We are excited to welcome JoLynn Albritton back to Texas Singles Conference! If you attended her session last year, then you know it was excellent. JoLynn will be taking a fresh new look at the journey for women who have gone thru divorce. JoLynn brings a wealth of wisdom learned from her life experiences, including her season as a divorced, single mom and former pastor's wife. She will bless you with her warmth, kind words and elegance. On a personal note, she is returning this year with some changes in her life. You don't want to miss this session!
JoLynn serves on the UPCI Single Adult Ministry Team representing those in ministry who are single again. She and her husband, Greg, travel as evangelists. They base out of Alexandria, Louisiana where they live with their children.
CONFERENCE GRAPHICS / MEDIA JoLynn is also the graphics and media creator for the conference. Thank you, JoLynn, for blessing TSC! JoLynn operates her own graphics business with clients that include churches, schools and nationwide companies.